two days in a row
On Friday there were bombs in Bangalore and yesterday more bombs in Ahmedabad. Of course no one from the west has called or emailed about it - either you know your geography and know that I am not close to either one or else you haven't heard about it yet! Probably the latter.
Anyway, we are all fine in Mumbai. But I have to say that I am sad to realize that I don't feel surprised or threatened by the events of the last two days. It is relatively common to hear about bombs in India and I feel that there is often an onslaught of 'bombing news' on tv these days for the entire world. Have mass bombings ceased to create panic these days because of its commoness? if so, it's a bit sad.
in other news, folo stacie karen and i went with the Sharanam girls to see a hindi flick yesterday. the girls loved it - even though it wasn't their film of choice. The girls love seeing folo and a few i think have crushes on him :) Apparently his hair all grown out and 'moppy' looking to me is huge for them... they said he looks like a bollywood star! haha. And they were of course so excited that he was with SRK (Shah Rukh Khan) the day before showing his latest film. He's slowly working on getting an autograph for the girls....
And.. the 'father' at Sharanam is now in charge of the parent organization as well - which means that I have lots of work to do with them now! I guess I might be getting back into working sooner than I thought! but for now it is Sunday and I am exhausted, so will rest!
Last but not least... Folo and I went to a gallery opening on Friday and bought our first real peice of Indian art. we have been wanting some cool art from India to commemorate our time here and finally we saw one that showed India how we see it! Next week is another opening that we are also interested in attending.. we might just become Indian art collectors :)
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